The problem is that F1 2010 relies on GFWL (Games for Windows Live) and that´s built in Windows 7, but most of us use Windows 8 or Windows 10 and there comes the problem.

Go into the folder where you've installed Steam and go into Steam\steamapps\common\F1 2010\Redist (for example, mine is D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\F1 2010\Redist).Uninstall the F1 2010 game and redownload it.Open Control Panel > Uninstall a program > Uninstall Games for Windows Live (if you have more than one program called like that, uninstall all of them).If you haven't modified any game files, skip to #4.You can't get past the GFWL screen at startup.The game starts for 5 seconds and then dissapears.The game won't even launch (this is what happened to me): you press "Launch" on Steam, it says it's running for 5 seconds and then nothing happens.I've spent well over an hour to fix it because there are hundreds of posts online but none of them gives a clear solution, and after all I can say I can finally play with the Mercedes W01!! This tutorial will work for you if: The devs of the game were lazy enough to ignore the problem and after all these years there's no official fix for it.